
We carry out some of our projects in collaboration with public and private entities that rely on our skills to implement cultural policies and territorial promotion actions. At the same time, through a careful and daily search for calls and funding opportunities in the national and European fields, we design and realize projects that allow us to achieve the objectives of our company

PARS - Parco Archeologico di Sepino

Study, conception, and creation of the brand identity, website, and textual and photographic content for PARS – Sepino Archaeological Park, narrated through a perspective attentive to both innovation and tradition. We immersed ourselves in this adventure, inspired by the crossroads that have shaped one of the most evocative archaeological sites in Molise over time. We created a website that speaks the language of innovation and accessibility, inviting users to explore the millennia-old past of Sepino through an engaging digital experience. The development of the textual and photographic content, meticulously curated, tells ancient stories in a fascinating and passionate way. We aimed to capture the entire essence of PARS through design, blending modernity and tradition. A journey through time that celebrates the legacy of Sepino in a contemporary world, offering a new window into the magnificence of antiquity.

On behalf of: PARS - Parco Archeologico di Sepino


Conception, design and creation of a pop-up book that tells specific elements of the intangible heritage of the seven municipalities that are partners in the project. A small guide to the popular culture of the Fortore area created through drawings, illustrations and texts that will animate the book, making it interactive. The book will be produced in collaboration with Telos, a publishing house specializing in literature for children and adolescents, always looking for new ways of publishing, in particular the interaction between paper and digital, in order to create a unique editorial product, also attractive to adult audiences. The texts will be created using highly readable fonts, accessible even to those with specific reading difficulties.

On behalf of: Municipality of Pietracatella

Project co funded by: Rural Development Programme 2014/2020 of Regione Molise - Measure 19 – Sub measure 19.2 - Action 19.2.14 Local Development Plan “Verso il Bio territorio intelligente, inclusivo e ospitale
In partnership with: Comune di Gambatesa, Comune di Gildone, Comune di Jelsi, Comune di Toro, Comune di Tufara, Comune di Riccia, Pro-loco “Pietra Murata”, Azienda agricola caseificio “Come era una volta”, Azienda agricola Gambatesa


The project aims to involve the community of Mirabello Sannitico in activities that favor the transmission of knowledge, the awareness of its own cultural heritage, the creation of new opportunities for cultural growth and historical reflection. The main objective of the project is the creation of the MIRA Museum (Mirabello Images and Tales): a museum itinerary set up inside Palazzo Spicciati with sections dedicated to the places and people of the community, exhibition of objects and elements of material and immaterial culture, installation of photographic prints from the extraordinary Antonio Baranello photographic archive which collects the iconographic history of the community in the period between the 40s and 70s of the twentieth century. In addition, as part of the project, the community participated photographic archive will be created and will be accessible through an online portal.

On behalf of: Municipality of Mirabello Sannitico

Project co funded by: Rural Development Programme 2014/2020 of Regione Molise - Measure 19 – Sub measure 19.2 - Action 19.2.14 Local Development Plan “Verso il Bio territorio intelligente, inclusivo e ospitale” 
In partnership with: Comune di Vinchiaturo, Associazione Santa Maria, Fratelli Silvestri Oleificio s.a.s., Azienda Agricola Tucci Mariapia

TRA COSMO E CAMPANILE | Eugenio Cirese, a poet from Molise

The project for the enhancement of the tangible and intangible heritage, of the cultural and natural landscape of the municipality of Fossalto aims to promote knowledge and awareness in the community. Through the research and works of Eugenio Cirese, of the anthropologist son Alberto Mario Cirese and their relations with Molise popular culture, the project's actions deepen the tradition of "Pagliara Maje Maje" and the consequent relations with the agricultural and gastronomic culture of the area , together with the recovery of the traditional local bagpipe: the "scupina". In collaboration with Squilibri Editore - a well-known publishing house in the field of research and production of ethnomusicology and traditional music - a booklet and a record will be produced entitled “Giuseppe Moffa. UaUà, a tribute in music to Eugenio Cirese", with the aim of being able to bring the authorial work of Eugenio Cirese and the research work of Alberto Mario Cirese back to the contemporary so that it can also be heard in the future by the new generations. In June 2023, the record was among the top five finalists of Premio Tenco in the category of Best Album in Dialect.

On behalf of: Municipality of Fossalto

Project co funded by: Rural Development Programme 2014/2020 of Regione Molise - Measure 19 – Sub measure 19.2 - Action 19.2.14 Local Development Plan “Verso il Bio territorio intelligente, inclusivo e ospitale

POPMOlise – Loose festival of popular Molise

It is a project with the aim of promote, disseminate and inform about the popular culture of Molise. The intention is to increase both the exposure of the touristic, environmental and cultural resources and the visibility of the typical productions, through Loose Actions in all the Molise area, Widespread Events proposed in real and virtual spaces and in collaboration with local communities and companies. The Actions and Events will be carried out and promoted in two spaces, a real one – Spazio Sfuso, a coworking area where the good ideas won’t be alone, a modern and dynamic area in which the companies will work every day together with our teamwork to build a more sustainable future – and a virtual one – POPMOlise portal, a virtual place where, through the story of Molise’s popular culture, the companies involved in the partnership network will find spaces for promotion and sale

by: JustMO’

Project co funded by: Rural Development Programme 2014/2020 of Regione Molise - Measure 19 – Sub measure 19.2 - Action 19.2.5 Local Development Plan “Verso il Bio territorio intelligente, inclusivo e ospitale

In partnership with: GAL Molise verso il 2000 Legacoop Molise | MuSE a.p.s. local companies and communities

Find out more: Facebook and Instagram @popmolise

Terr@ di Passo: Riccia Virtual Ecomuseum

Interreg “Made in Land” project aims to increase the value of cultural and naturalistic heritage of the inland and to strengthen awareness of its conservation through the enhancement of local communities, guardians of these resources, thus favouring non-seasonal tourist flows and opening up the territories to new proposals of knowledge between the different areas concerned. For the Municipality of Riccia, JustMO' has created the project "Terr@ di Passo in De Capua Courts " which revolves around the creation of a Virtual Ecomuseum with its relative community map, historical map, map of traditions and naturalistic map, accessible from an online platform and in the Ecomuseum exhibition space, especially designed and built inside the Castle. The storytelling, focused on the De Capua family, is intertwined with the story of the Fortore territory made both by the communities and their kids, in order to offer different but overlapping narrative cuts, which meet different tastes, interests and points of view of travellers

On behalf of: Comune di Riccia
Find out more:
Facebook @madeinlandproject


Technical assistance within the EXCOVER project -Experience, Discover & Valorise Hidden Treasure Towns and Sites of Adriatic Area- a project funded under the programme “Italy – Croatia 2014/2020”, of which the Municipality of Campobasso is one of the 13 partners. The aim of the project is to enhance the naturalistic and cultural sites of some areas of Italy and Croatia that are less known to the major tourist flows and that represent a heritage of inestimable value for visitors but above all for citizens. The main goal of this project is to reduce this gap between resources and tourists, contributing to an equal and sustainable territorial and seasonal distribution of tourist flows, all this through the activation of PARTICIPATIVE PROCESSES with the involvement of the local population for the identification and enhancement of the local cultural heritage

On behalf of : Comune di Campobasso
Find out more:

Facebook @project.excover

Museum of the church of Santa Cristina in Sepino

Inside the parish church of Santa Cristina, in the rooms contiguous to the crypt where the oldest statue of the Patroness of Sepino, Santa Cristina, is stored, we designed an exhibition space, born from the desire of displaying objects and documents preserved in the Church dedicated to Saint, recounting the historical, architectural and cultural elements of interest. JustMO' supervised the preparation and construction of customized exhibition structures based on the specific object, protective cases and the design and study of the visitor path, the iconographic themes and the information supports of the museum. The ideation of the museum itinerary and the choice of objects and documents to be exhibited aimed at informing visitors and the faithful about the story of the church from an architectural and artistic point of view, intertwined with its driving force of faith and transformation over the centuries, the cult of Santa Cristina

by: JustMO' 

On behalf on: Parrocchia di Sepino

Museums and development for territorial systems

“Sentieri di acqua e Pietra – SAP” is a project of the MuSST # 2 – “Museums and development of territorial systems " program of the Italian Ministry of Culture - General Directorate of Museums, consisting of thirteen interventions, linked to each other through the theme of water, activated in the Valle del Volturno. For the project, JustMO’ supervised: activities with the communities for the realization of two murals in the villages of Castel Pizzuto and Rocchetta al Volturno and the organization of the artistic contest in which the involved street artists were invited to propose an interpretation of the iconic role of water in the Volturno valley; interventions related to the recovery, protection and enhancement of historical fountains in the area that have become “Fountains of memory”, dedicated to mafia victims, thanks to the collaboration with Libera. Finally, JustMO’ took care of the logistical organization of the “Acqua e Pietra Fest”, a final choral intervention that showed the actions of the project to the communities

On behalf of: Direzione regionale musei del Molise

Find out more:
Facebook and Instagram

Provincial Astronomical Observatory “Leopoldo del Re”

As part of the national strategy “Altissimo Molise internal area”, JustMO' designed, set up and created contents dedicated to the astronomical itinerary, a section integrated with the museum center of the municipality of San Pietro Avellana. For the creation of the web platform, able to connect with the telescope of the Provincial Astronomical Observatory, thorough studies and analyses of other museums sections of the municipal area were carried out. Alongside digital knowledge, museographic supports were conceived and produced for the improvement of experiential paths and the communication and marketing plan for the enhancement of the "Leopoldo del Re" provincial astronomical observatory, the municipal museum center and the territory of Mab naturalistic reserve

On beahalf of: Comune di San Pietro Avellana
Find out more:

Proses “Promoting Social Economy for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development”

Technical and organizational support to the Proses project (“Promoting Social Economy for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development”) promoted as part of the COSME community program, which aims to build networks of relationships and exchanges of good practices between companies, organizations and trade associations dealing with sustainable, social and multifunctional agriculture in four partner states: Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Italy. In particular, JustMO' dealt with the management of cross-border meetings in Spain and Molise; for the latter, appointments were organized with local companies who told and proposed their experience of rural development and sustainable agriculture

On behalf of: Comune di Jelsi

find out more:

Facebook e Instagram @prosesproject 

The school of the palate

The project "The school of the palate", conceived by GEA - Advanced services for the culture of the territory and CIA Molise, is an innovative theatrical action designed to promote the typical food products of a place together with their cultural and landscape context within a moving classroom. JustMO’ has been involved in the design and construction of an exhibition structure with transparent perimetral walls on a metal body, which can be mounted anywhere, easily disassembled and used for indoor and outdoor promotional events. The hall thus delimited is simultaneously open to the curious who will be able to participate as spectators in the path of knowledge of Molise products and gastronomic culture

On behalf of: GEA - Advanced services for the culture of the territory


Territorial animation project that takes place in the municipalities of the internal area of Fortore in Molise with the aim of seeking and supporting cooperatives and people who have activated, or intend to activate, sustainable development actions in their territories. ALL-interno will provide support in the construction of the idea and will contribute to the creation of a network of good practices to accompany the establishment of new cooperatives. The project also aims to inform the territories on the financial and planning possibilities proposed by the Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne - SNAI  (National Strategy for Internal Areas)

On behalf of:  Legacoop Molise

Supported by : Coopfond

In partnership with: SNAI Fortore

Find out more:

Facebook @allinterno


Conception, artistic direction and setting up of the MOLISE ART path that takes place in the corridors and in the rooms of the Radio-oncological Treatment Centre Gemelli Molise. MOLISE ART flanks the technology of the latest generation machineries for the treatment of tumours to an artistic project whose purpose is to support the long, slow and difficult route that the oncological patients have to face.

The word ART stands not only for its narrowest meaning, but also for beauty; the same beauty that characterizes the history of our land with its roots plunged along the grassy ways that connected the mountains of Abruzzo and Molise with the plains of Puglia: the Tratturi. Two transition paths, the ancient one made by the shepherds and the current one followed by the patients, both marked with uncertainties, absences and doubts but enriched by the stories and encounters made during the journey. Thus, welcoming patients by accompanying them into a place that stimulates memories and that tells a story of beauty and culture takes on a fundamental value in offering them relief. The project MOLISE ART goes on in three different spaces: the corridor, the waiting rooms and the machinery rooms, linked by the overall concept conceived and set up by JustMO '

On behalf of: Gemelli Molise spa

Find out more:

Facebook @gemellimolise


Study and creation of the setting up project of the Civic Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery in Campobasso, in particular the section dedicated to the cycle "The Divine Comedy" by the local artist Antonio Pettinicchi. Management of spaces and openings with staff designated to the surveillance and reception of the visiting public. Management and promotion of the coordinated communication of the Gallery through social channels. Organization and promotion of cultural events, guided tours and educational workshops in the spaces of the Gallery suitable for general public, families and schools

On behalf of: Comune di Campobasso

In partnership with: Direzione regionale Musei del Molise

Find out more: Facebook @civicacb